What is Shamballa
Shamballa is a Multi-Dimensional Healing. Shamballa stands for NO FEAR, NO JUDGEMENT, and FREEDOM FROM ILLUSIONS. This frequency of vibration is highly-refined and extremely transformational.
Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing
Shamballa is a Multi-Dimensional Healing that can be hands-on healing or long-distance healing. It raises one's energy vibration and helps a person to expand their consciousness. It not only works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels but also through to the deepest levels of cellular memory DNA and to the highest vibrations of the energy body. The energy is channelled and travels where it needs to go in the body and the energy field.
Like Reiki, Shamballa is the energy of unconditional love. It is a way of facilitating wholeness, achieved by releasing blockages and old emotional ‘stuff’. Shamballa reconnects you to your full authentic self so that you can experience fulfillment in every aspect of your life. This energy connects you with your I AM presence and the collective consciousness of all the Ascended Masters.​
It has been called "The Complete System of Reiki" because it includes 352 symbols for connection. The energy flows through the practitioner to the client, and the practitioner will intuitively be led to the areas of need in the client. There are no predetermined hand positions like there are in Reiki.​​
How does A Shamballa Healing Work?
Shamballa healing is channelling energy to the client. The session can be given with a gentle laying on of hands, or the practitioner can channel energy from a short distance from the body for the same results. Treatment can be performed on a client while they are lying down, sitting or standing. The session is done fully clothed.
The energy can flow through casts and some other braces that do not have metal in them. In a remote healing session, the healing will be channelled to the client from any distance. As a result of the session, the recipient’s body, mind and spirit can become more balanced and peaceful.
BOOK a Shamballa Reboot and Restore Healing
In one session, you will re-energize (uplift the Joy), increase focus and clarity (calm the chaos) and bring your body, mind and spirit back into harmony and balance.​​
You will experience the reset and feel restored and balanced.
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Price $100.00 CDN